The OSAJ Members’ Tour for “Salone del Gusto” in Torino and North Italy was organized during October 22nd – 29th. The Tour was visiting not only the “Salone del Gusto”, but also was visiting to the BAROLO and BARBARESCO wine Cantina and White Truffle in ALBA. The tour members enjoyed excellent wines, north Italian “Slow Food” and white truffle, it seemed almost like a “GroumetTour” !
As a tour orgnized by the OSAJ – Olive Oil Association, an Olive Oil Producer in Piemonte was also visited.
イタリア・スローフード展ツアー2012 (Tour Schedule in Japanese language)
Tour Day 1, visiting famous Barolo Cantina “BOVIO” and having lunch.
Tour Day 2, visiting Food Gastronomy College in BRA, which is the origin of “Slow Food” activity, and also visiting DOCG Cantina “GIRBARDINA” with cooking study.
Tour Day 3 at the Salone del Gusto
Food Education in Salone del Gusto
Tour Day 4 in ALBA “White Truffle Festival”
Tour Day 5 in Moncalvo – Azienda Agricola Veglio Piero, which is one of the olive growers in Piemonte
And the last dinner of the tour was, of course, enjoying white truffle “Full Course” dinner !